Thinking of initiating a new eCommerce project?
Our team specialise in delivering and supporting highly customised & tightly integrated eCommerce solutions with Kentico at the heart.
Our Expertise
You know your business, and we know eCommerce platforms. Our certified team have decades of experience in delivering and integrating eCommerce solutions into ERP, CRM and Custom Systems to deliver streamlined operations and maximise repeat business and profitability.
Our Experience
We deliver B2B and B2C platforms supported by eCommerce strategies that deliver complete usability for consumers & trade partners while maximising revenues for our clients. The eCommerce marketplace is continuously evolving and adapting as new products, platforms, systems and technologies evolve and find their niche.
eCommerce Solutions
The majority of our clients choose Kentico’s eCommerce, which ticks all the boxes in terms of an affordable, secure, customisable platform that will allow you to pull together a range of systems via a robust API layer. The platform also allows for sophisticated digital marketing and personalisation capabilities, when deployed alongside Kentico's Enterprise Marketing Suite (EMS). We also utilise other best of breed eCommerce platforms such as Umbraco and Shopify, giving clients the flexibility of choice to meet their specific requirements.
Our Work
Find out how the i3 Digital team breathed new life, created new revenue streams and even launched new businesses utilising Kentico’s eCommerce.
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